Tema blackberry e63 full icon
Tema blackberry e63 full icon

tema blackberry e63 full icon

Step 3: Check My World for Uninstalled Apps Press the Menu key and select “Unhide Icon”. Highlight the hidden icon that is dimmed slightly 2. Note: If the option “Show All Icons” or “Show All” does not appear in the menu after step two, there are no hidden icons on your device.ġ.

  • BlackBerry® Device Software 5.0 and below – Select “Show All”.
  • BlackBerry 6 & BlackBerry 7 – Select “Show All Icons”.
  • From the Home screen, press the Menu key 2. After doing this, any icons you have hidden previously will be dimmed slightly as per the screenshot below.ġ. To show hidden icons without using Universal Search, use the option of “Show All Icons” when viewing your Home screen. If the missing icon is found using Universal Search, please review the section ‘How to unhide icons’ that can be found below. If you are not familiar with Universal Search, learn more by reading our blog post on how to use Universal Search. If you are using a BlackBerry® 6 or BlackBerry® 7 OS smartphone, you can use Universal Search to find hidden icons.

    tema blackberry e63 full icon

    If you still can’t find a particular icon after checking your folders, the next step would be identifying if the icon is hidden. The first place you should check is the various folders on your BlackBerry smartphone. Have you ever run into a situation on your BlackBerry® smartphone where one or more of your Home screen icons disappear? Whenever I can’t find an icon, here are the steps I take to track it down.

    Tema blackberry e63 full icon